- Membership with the Australian Medical Association (AMA) or other medical professional associations
- Cost of renewing your annual practising certificate such as The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), etc
- Professional indemnity insurance
- Self-education expenses such as courses or trainings required for work or to maintain or improve your skills for your current job
- Travel expenses (away from home overnight) for work/seminars/conferences/courses
- Cost of using your car when you’re travelling for work
- Parking fees and tolls on work-related trips between two separate places of work
- Cost of medical equipment and the cost of insurance for that equipment
- Cost and maintenance of smart devices, other tools and equipment you use for work
- Cost of office stationery, journals, periodicals and magazines with content sufficiently connected to your employment as a doctor, specialist or other medical professional
- Work-related portion of your phone and internet costs
- Running expenses of an office or a study at home includes decline in value of home office equipment, cost of repairs to your home office furniture and fittings, heating, cooling, lighting and cleaning expenses
- Protective clothing/footwear or uniform you wear at work eg. Surgical shoes, suncreens etc
- Watches or timepieces and cost of repairs, batteries and watchbands for special watches if your watch has special characteristics which you use for work, for example a fob watch or stopwatch
- Tax/financial/accounting fees and costs of travel to visit your advisers
- Donations to registered charities/organisations (deductible gift recipient)
- Deduction for personal super contribution up to $25,000
If you are running a medical service business such as sole practitioner or multiple partner practice, apart from all the business-related expenses, there are also business and tax structure to assist with asset protection and optimising your tax position. At AATH Chartered Accountant, we have extensive experience and in-depth knowledge to assist you in reaching whatever goals you are aiming for.
Contact us now to see how we can help you get the most out of tax time and avoid paying more than you have to.
* The information contained in this site is general and is not intended to serve as advice. AATH Accounting Services recommends you obtain advice concerning specific matters before making decisions.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.